Following codes are used for Big Data Assignment 2:
Given the Google web graph:
File Format:
# Comment
# Comment
Three modes are written in this script:
- Graph Mode: Use NetworkX and Graph to connect all nodes and edges. (Fastest and recommended, also default mode)
- Matrix Mode: Textbook method, convert all nodes and edges to the Stochastic matrix, iterate until we find the convergence of the Markov chain. (Sample input: matrix.txt)
- Large Matrix Mode: Multi-process will operate (according to -t) to read several rows at the same time and calculate the convergence of the Markov chain. This is Due to RAM size limit, for a sample input file with 1 million nodes, a matrix (or array in Numpy) size 1M1M is needed, the memory space required is 1M1M*float32, which requires more than 8TB and can be calculated with following code:
import numpy as np n = np.zeros((1000000,1), dtype=float) print("%d bytes" % (n.size * n.itemsize))
In the early stage I tried to use an hdf5 file system with Pytables to store the whole matrix then slice each row to operate, but since it’s read and write are too I/O bounded, I have no other option but to store data in RAM.
- -f –file | Target file.
- -m –matrix | Use tradition matrix mode instead of Graph mode, requires more memory
- -p –probability | Probability for jumping to other random webpages. Solves dead-ends and spider traps
- -t –processes | Multi-processes for large matrix
Library you may need
- operator (Pass different arguments to different process)
- argparse (pass all arguments)
- networkx (graph)
- numpy (All matrix and array op)
- shutil (move the whole file to RAM, increase read speed)
sudo pip3 install networkx argparse numpy
python3 -f web-Google.txt
import argparse import time import sys import os import networkx as nx import numpy as np import operator import shutil import multiprocessing from multiprocessing import Pool from functools import partial from networkx.utils import not_implemented_for parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="pagerank") parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', default="web-Google.txt", help="File location. If empty, Use web-Google.txt download from") parser.add_argument('-m', '--matrix', dest="matrix", action="store_true", help="Use tradition matrix mode instead of Graph mode,requires more memory") parser.add_argument('-p', '--probability', default = 0.85, help="Probability for jumping to other random webpage. Solves dead-ends and spider traps") parser.add_argument('-t', '--processes', default = 20, help="Multi-processes for large matrix") args = parser.parse_args() def file_len(): with open(args.file) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1 #----------Progress Bar---------- # From: def update_progress(progress): barLength = 20 # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar status = "" if isinstance(progress, int): progress = float(progress) if not isinstance(progress, float): progress = 0 status = "error: progress var must be float\r\n" if progress < 0: progress = 0 status = "Halt...\r\n" if progress >= 1: progress = 1 status = "Done...\r\n" block = int(round(barLength*progress)) text = "\rPercent: [{0}] {1}% {2}".format( "#"*block + "-"*(barLength-block), progress*100, status) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() #----------Graph Mode---------- # Put all nodes and edges into graph def file_handle_graph(G,file_len): i = 0 node_file = open(args.file, "r") print("Reading File into graph...\n") #if its comment line for line in node_file: line = line.rstrip() if line[0] == "#": continue line_arr = line.split("\t") add_node_to_graph(G, int(line_arr[0])) add_node_to_graph(G, int(line_arr[1])) add_edge_to_graph(G,int(line_arr[0]),int(line_arr[1])) update_progress(i/file_len) i += 1 node_file.close() print("\nReading complete\n") def creat_network_graph(): G = nx.DiGraph() return G def add_node_to_graph(G, nodeid): if G.has_node(nodeid): pass else: G.add_node(nodeid) def add_edge_to_graph(G, fromid, toid): if G.has_edge(fromid,toid): pass else: G.add_edge(fromid, toid) def pagerank(G, alpha=0.85, personalization=None, max_iter=2000, tol=1.0e-9, nstart=None, weight='weight', dangling=None): if len(G) == 0: return {} print("Creating a copy in stochastic form") W = nx.stochastic_graph(G, weight=weight) N = W.number_of_nodes() print("Choosing fixed starting vector") if nstart is None: x = dict.fromkeys(W, 1.0 / N) else: # Normalized nstart vector s = float(sum(nstart.values())) x = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in nstart.items()) print("Assigning personalization vector") if personalization is None: # Assign uniform personalization vector if not given p = dict.fromkeys(W, 1.0 / N) else: s = float(sum(personalization.values())) p = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in personalization.items()) if dangling is None: # Use personalization vector if dangling vector not specified dangling_weights = p else: s = float(sum(dangling.values())) dangling_weights = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in dangling.items()) dangling_nodes = [n for n in W if W.out_degree(n, weight=weight) == 0.0] i = 0 print("power iterating") # power iteration: make up to max_iter iterations for _ in range(max_iter): update_progress( i/max_iter *120) xlast = x x = dict.fromkeys(xlast.keys(), 0) danglesum = alpha * sum(xlast[n] for n in dangling_nodes) for n in x: # this matrix multiply looks odd because it is # doing a left multiply x^T=xlast^T*W for nbr in W[n]: x[nbr] += alpha * xlast[n] * W[n][nbr][weight] x[n] += danglesum * dangling_weights.get(n, 0) + (1.0 - alpha) * p.get(n, 0) # check convergence, l1 norm err = sum([abs(x[n] - xlast[n]) for n in x]) if err < N * tol: return x i+=1 raise nx.PowerIterationFailedConvergence(max_iter) #----------Matrix Mode---------- # File handling def file_handle_matrix(file_len): i = 0 max_node_id = 0 shutil.copyfile(args.file, '/dev/shm/temp.txt') node_file = open("/dev/shm/temp.txt", "r") print("Reading File...\n") #if its comment line for line in node_file: line = line.rstrip() if line[0] == "#": continue line_arr = line.split("\t") if ( int(line_arr[0])> max_node_id ): max_node_id = int(line_arr[0]) if ( int(line_arr[1])> max_node_id ): max_node_id = int(line_arr[1]) update_progress(i/file_len) i += 1 node_file.close() print("\nReading complete\n") os.remove("/dev/shm/temp.txt") return max_node_id + 1 #how many unique outbound in toatl from a single node? def node_outbound(nodeid): shutil.copyfile(args.file, '/dev/shm/temp.txt') node_file = open("/dev/shm/temp.txt", "r") #print("Counting outbound for node",nodeid) unique_tolist = [] for line in node_file: line = line.rstrip() if line[0] == "#": continue line_arr = line.split("\t") if ( int(line_arr[0]) == nodeid ): if int(line_arr[1]) in unique_tolist: pass else: unique_tolist.append( int(line_arr[1]) ) #print("Total outbound: ", len(unique_tolist)) #print("Outbound: ",unique_tolist) os.remove("/dev/shm/temp.txt") return unique_tolist # random browser factor 0.2 def fill_matrix(original_matrix,n): node_file = open(args.file, "r") print("Filiing Matrix\n") #if its comment line for y in range(0, n): unique_tolist = node_outbound(y) for x in range(0, n): #print("X: ",x) #print("Y: ",y) if ( (x != y) and ( x in unique_tolist) ): original_matrix[x][y] = 1 / len(unique_tolist) else: original_matrix[x][y] = 0 node_file.close() print("\nOriginal Matrix: \n", original_matrix) def markov_matrix(original_matrix,n): pr = np.zeros((n, 1), dtype=float) for i in range(n): pr[i] = float(1) / n return (pr) def pagerank_matrix(probability, original_matrix, v): while ((v == probability *, v) + (1 - probability) * v).all() == False): v = probability *, v) + (1 - probability) * v return v def pagerank_top10(v,n): print_dict = {} for i in range(0, n): print_dict[i] = float(v[i]) print("\nResult:") print(sorted(print_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[:10]) #----------Large Matrix Mode----------
def fill_matrix_by_column(n,result_dict,x): onerow_matrix = np.zeros((1,n), dtype = float) print("Filiing Large Matrix") #if its comment line for y in range(0, n): unique_tolist = node_outbound(y) if ( (x != y) and ( x in unique_tolist) ): try: onerow_matrix[0][y] = 1 / len(unique_tolist) except IndexError: return else: try: onerow_matrix[0][y] = 0 except IndexError: return #print("Row: ", x ,"Column: ", y , "Result: ",onerow_matrix[0][y]) print(("Row: %7d"% (x)),(" Column: %7d"% (y)),(" Result: %1.8f"% (onerow_matrix[0][y]))) pr = markov_matrix(onerow_matrix[0][y],n) result_dict[x] = pagerank_matrix(args.probability,onerow_matrix[0][y],pr) #print("\nResult: ",result_dict[x]) def main(): start_time = time.time() file_line_number = file_len() if args.matrix: print("Deadling with nodes in numpy matrix mode") matrix_size = file_handle_matrix(file_line_number) try: original_matrix = np.zeros((matrix_size,matrix_size), dtype = float) fill_matrix(original_matrix,matrix_size) pr = markov_matrix(original_matrix,matrix_size) pagerank_top10(pagerank_matrix(args.probability, original_matrix, pr),matrix_size) except MemoryError: print("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Looks like you don't have enough RAM on your computer\n") print("We'll calculate it row by row\n") print(args.processes," processes will operate simultaneously\n") print("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") #Let's do it row by row result_dict = {} for s in range (0, int(matrix_size/args.processes) + 1): process_args =[] for k in range (0, args.processes): process_args.append(k + s) #print("ARGS:", process_args) update_progress(s / int(matrix_size/args.processes) + 1) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.processes) func = partial(fill_matrix_by_column, matrix_size, result_dict), process_args) pool.close() pool.join() s += args.processes pagerank_top10(result_dict,matrix_size) else: G = creat_network_graph() file_handle_graph(G,file_line_number) print ("Ranking...") pr = pagerank(G, alpha=args.probability,max_iter=2000) #print (pr) #print(type(pr)) print("\nResult:") print(sorted(pr.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse = True)[:10]) print("--- Total run time: %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ''' References:How to use the NumPy zeros function Exception Handling: IndexError '''
Top 10 Results:
[(597621, 0.0009241304287175943), (41909, 0.0009214639855385305), (163075, 0.0009049071491006198), (537039, 0.0008992631802222364), (384666, 0.0007872247076457703), (504140, 0.0007655435306714571), (486980, 0.0007262612106941519), (605856, 0.0007190037632145288), (32163, 0.0007129961306074605), (558791, 0.0007103219427793649)]
--- Total run time: 426.2423915863037 seconds ---
Further improvements can be done if you have CUDA support device and high bandwidth RAM:
[wpedon id=”461″ align=”center”]